I received a MudWatt kit in exchange for our honest review.

When my kids complain that they are bored and have nothing to do, it can be a challenge to find something that is a good quality activity for them – especially when it comes to keeping screen time to a minimum.  It is nice to find an activity that they are interested in, and even better if it has an educational component.  We recently discovered the MudWatt kit for kids, which is a really cool science experiment for kids.


The kit comes with everything you need – except the mud!

  • MudWatt Unit (1 Anode, 1 Cathode, 1 Vessel, 1 HackerPack)  
  • 20-Page Educational/Instruction Booklet
  • Pair of Black Nitrile Gloves
  • MudWatt Explorer App (free – available on iTunes and Google Play)

My daughter is 10, and I had her do as much of the kit on her own as possible.  She had a few questions but otherwise did everything on her own!  The directions are very easy to follow.


Soon, our MudWatt was being constructed!


We found some fantastic mud to use for our MudWatt, and soon my daughter was using it for the container.


Once everything was in place, the wiring was the final step (for the first stage).


Once the MudWatt was constructed, you need to wait a few weeks for the LED light to start blinking.  The kit has a clock function that you can wire on once you have enough energy.  The neat thing is being able to check back, and my daughter was super excited to see if the LED would be blinking.

My daughter kept track of the energy using the MudWatt app, which also tells you when you have enough energy for the clock.


Overall, this is a pretty cool kit.  The whole idea is very original, and my daughter was begging me to get started on the kit.  It kept her interest enough that she assembled it in one shot and remembered to keep checking back on her MudWatt, using the free Explorer app to track the energy.  This experiment has lasted many weeks, which is definitely a bonus – the MudWatt is reusable and can last for years!

I highly recommend this kit for fun and for learning for a variety of ages!

 Check out Magical Microbes on Amazon.

Check out this fun video to learn about the MudWatt: