As soon as we heard that there would be a new Beauty and the Beast movie coming out in 2017, we were so excited!  This is one of my all-time favorite Disney movies, and I cannot wait to see the new movie.  I still remember when each of my two girls were just old enough to watch a full-length movie, and I put on Beauty and the Beast.  The cool thing is that this movie has many great themes and messages and can be enjoyed by all ages.  I love everything about it, from the plot to the amazing music, and to this day I can’t resist singing along with the music any time I hear it.

Beauty and the Beast

I love that the 2017 Beauty and the Beast is a live-action movie, bringing the animation to life, and I can’t wait to see Emma Watson as Belle.  We have watched trailers and clips of the movie and it looks amazing – the music and scenes I have seen have literally given me chills because they are so beautiful and well done.

We have so many great ideas for making the release of Beauty and the Beast a special occasion.  My daughter’s birthday is during opening weekend, so we are going to go see the movie together as a family.  We have been talking about this for months, planning to make it a family get-together.

Evite Beauty and the Beast

One of the fun things Evite is doing to celebrate the upcoming release of the movie is an exclusive “Be Our Guest” custom invitation collection.  This custom category launched on Evite 1/30, the same pre-sale movie tickets went on sale.  I can’t wait to get my tickets and to start designing my invites over at Evite!

Evite Beauty and the Beast

Watch the trailer:

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is out March 17, 2017 in 3D!


This post has been sponsored by Evite Influencer Program. All opinions are my own.