Last year, our kids were excited to have their first Elf on the Shelf. They quickly named her Pickles, and the fun was underway! We had fun looking for our Elf every morning and seeing where the elf would show up! The elf has been busy at work, and busy parents such as myself may want to check out some lazy elf on the shelf ideas.
1. Toilet papered the tree. What a naughty Elf! The kids got a kick out of this, but at least I can say our Elf didn’t always get into mischief!

2. Riding a reindeer.
3. Found the Christmas pickle! Of course this was very fitting that Pickles would find the Christmas Pickle! If you have a Christmas pickle ornament, this one is a lot of fun!

4. Hanging from the chandelier way up high. The kids thought this was awesome and wondered how Pickles managed to get up so high!

5. Wrote on the mirror with toothpaste. What a mess to clean up!

6. Left an occasional sweet treat. Pickles only brought candy once or twice, as there is an abundance of sweets around the holidays. And always made sure it was allergy-friendly!

7. Hanging from underneath the tree. You would think this was easy enough to find her, but it took a while!

8. Resting in a soft bed of tissues. Sometimes busy elves need rest!

9. Top of the Christmas tree.

10. Got into the sweets!

Where do you find your Elf on the Shelf?
Ours doesn’t come back until December 1st – mostly because I am out of ideas. I have to come up with some for this year!
We never got into the elf on the shelf thing. Guess my kids were to old when it came out. You have done some fun and cute things with pickles
I love this so much! Elf on the Shelf is the best thing to happen to Christmas in a long time. I think it furthers the magic for the kids AND the adults. It’s so much fun to see the kids’ reactions to what the “Elf” has been doing all night.
We’ve learned to bring him out starting December 1. I am just not that creative enough to do this every day! Especially since I do it for grown ups! Ha!
I gave my grandkids “Elfie” several years ago. This is the year they realized the complete truth about Elfie and now they like to dress him up and play with him from Thanksgiving until Christmas Day. Great ideas!
I’ve never done elf on the shelf before as I don’t have kids, but I love seeing all the inventive things people come up with! Always amazes me that each year people find new ideas.
This reminds me – I need to take out our elf on the shelf. I’m inspired by all the places Pickles has been and what he’s been up to!! My kids love the elf!
Mine is far away. She doesn’t come back until December.
Granted, my kids are older and know the truth. So she basically just sits in the same spot and creeps me out.
Such cute ideas!! I want to try to be more creative with our Elf this year. I looooove the toilet papering the tree idea!! Definitely doing that one.
Oh boy it looks like your elf has been busy. I bet the kids think it’s hilarious.
Wow, Pickles sure does get around! I haven’t even dragged mine out yet LOL! Maybe December 1. He’s pretty low-key though, although I did buy him two outfits at Target that the kids will get a kick out of!
I have never done Elf on the Shelf. It seems like a lot of work, though fun. I have seen some creative ideas for it!
You’re so creative with your Elf! We do the lazy parents edition and just move him around the house, but the kids still love it!
Love your photos! Ours will most likely come out starting December first, it’s such much fun including him in our holidays.
This is something we’ve never done with the kids. Great ideas where to put the elf though.
Aww what a pretty Christmas tree we almost done ours few more decor and we are all set. This elf toy is so cute I have a friend that has the same Elf she loves taking photos of it like everywhere she goes.
I have putting elf, I need to move around so that kids will have fun. I like your elf and that Christmas pickles.
I can say you are a very thoughtful mom. That elf is really a cutieee
Pickles is Perfecta! Glad this elf thing wasn’t around when The Trio were small, BB’s not so imaginative. The poor thing would have been stuck in a pose for weeks. BB2U
Pickles is Perfecta! Sooo Glad this elf thing wasn’t around when The Trio were small, BB’s not so imaginative. The poor thing would have been stuck in a pose for weeks. BB2U
I’m in love with this elf toy. So cute! Your Christmas tree is totally perfect. You are a crafty mom, I can bet on that!