Have you noticed that the years seem to be slipping by faster and faster? We lose so much time with loved ones and miss out on so many memories due to heavy workloads, school activities and other hectic day-to-day roadblocks.

Here are a few ideas that can help you reconnect with your child that won’t hurt your wallet.

Nature Walks

Kids would much rather have quality times with a parent than an expensive toy. A nature walk is a great way to easily take a moment to put your child in focus. Talk about your child’s day on your walk. As you stroll, collect different specimens like leaves, seeds, flowers, feathers, or bugs that you come across. Go on a nature scavenger hunt. After you get home from the walk, help your child research the items that you have found together. You will probably find that you spend quite a bit of time talking and forming a bond.


If you have young children. Make bubbles together; you’ll have a hard time finding a kid that doesn’t enjoy this easy activity. With a little creativity you can add your own household items to give the bubbles a little extra pop.

What you need:

1-cup water
4 tablespoons dishwashing liquid
2 tablespoons light karo syrup or glycerin
Wire coat hanger

How to Do it:

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well blended, pour mixture into a bottle. ( or leave in bowl) Untwist the neck of the wire hanger and bend an end around into a loop. Use the wire as your bubble maker and enjoy. For a little variation, try adding food coloring to your water.

Go Camping

Take advantage of a beautiful evening and reconnect with your kids while relaxing under the stars. A small tent, bedding and campfire goodies are all you need to create a memorable evening.

Designate a Movie Night

At least once a week, take time to stop and enjoy quiet time with your kids while watching a movie and sharing a bowl of popcorn. With all of the new advances in technology movie libraries like Netflix and Hulu, bring the movie theater straight into your living room.

Finding activities that don’t cost a fortune can be a pretty simple task if you take a moment and explore the options that are all around us. A few items in this list might have to be purchased, this too can be accomplished easily by shopping on Amazon, and they have a super quick shipping time and deliver to your home. Don’t forget to make use of promo codes to add great deals to your shopping.
