Years ago, I started reading labels much more carefully, and stopped putting products with chemicals on my skin. Gradually, I went from using store-bought lotions to making my own and even just using plain coconut oil. However, to add a little something extra to your natural skincare regime, tea tree oil is a great resource. This amazing natural remedy is antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, and so much more.

For this, all you need is some organic coconut oil and tea tree oil. You can find coconut oil at many stores (grocery store, Trader Joe’s, health food stores). You will most likely find tea tree oil at health food stores or online. If you can’t find them in stores, check (that is where I purchase mine).

The coconut oil is solid at room temperature. If it is completely melted, you can always pop it in the fridge for a little bit to let it harden up a little.
I have been using coconut oil as a moisturizer for years, after I shower. I scoop out coconut oil in small amounts – coconut oil size of a pea would be more than sufficient for your face, and I try to use it sparingly on my face. I also use it on my hands, legs, and feet before bed. It does leave behind a greasy feel, which is why I apply before bed, but you can can rub it in as much as possible so there is only a very thin layer on your skin. The great thing about coconut oil is that it has antibacterial properties and replaces the oils removed by soaps.
For this tea tree/coconut oil mix, I take a scoop (no bigger than an egg) and place in a small container. Add tea tree oil to the strength you like, starting with only a few drops, and mix in thoroughly.
Some people don’t like a stronger smell and prefer a weaker version, especially if you use on your face (as you will smell it). And your skin may be more or less sensitive than others, so it is always a good idea to start with just a little bit of tea tree oil and add more later if you feel your skin can handle it.
You can always add in more tea tree oil, so you can start with less and add more as desired. Don’t apply tea tree oil to your skin full strength – the coconut oil is a perfect carrier oil to dilute the tea tree oil. Everyone’s skin is different, so use it to the strength you feel works well with your skin.
I have battled with problem skin my whole life, and while this is not any kind of ‘miracle cure’, it has noticeably helped my skin stay clearer.
You can also use this on your feet before bed – it feels refreshing and my nails look great!
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