This product was provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
I have had a lot of bags over the years, trying to find just the right one. I have had diaper bags and purses, but nothing that I really liked. Our family is very active, and as much as I want to cut down on the size of the bag I carry, the reality is that I need a versatile bag that can hold a decent amount of stuff, but is also lightweight. I think the closest I have come is a plain nylon tote bag – but that doesn’t offer features I need (like a zipper across the top and pockets).
Boken Bags are lightweight, but packed with features. This is a good-size bag, but folds down into a neat, flat square. I love how it is so compact, and it is great for travel. You know how you accumulate a ton of stuff when you travel? Perfect way to bring along an extra bag!
I thought I would use this bag mostly on trips, but I have been using every day. The Boken Bag has been so versatile, allowing me to carry the usual contents of my purse, but also the variety of items that I end up carrying.
Among the items in my purse is my daughter’s epi-pen kit. This goes everywhere with me. I love that it fits perfectly right in the end of the bag. It is always right there at a moment’s notice.
When I use this bag around town, I find that it is great for carrying some basics – a book, snacks, a sweater (or several, for the kids), and so on. One of the great things about this bag is that it has a great side pocket perfect for a water bottle. My water bottle goes with me just about everywhere, and it is on the large side, so it is nice it actually fits in a pocket (I don’t think it has ever fit in a side pocket before – or even one of my bags, for that matter!).
When we travel, I get so frustrated when I end up trying to carry a bunch of stuff. The kids hand me things, from jackets to half-eaten snacks, to things they find and much much more. With my Boken Bag, I can put that stuff in my bag.
This bag goes on errands too, making it easy for me to bring a sweater (for those stores that feel like an icebox!) or anything else I might need, and always the epi-pen kit.
The material for this bag is not only lightweight, but it is a water-resistant, durable material. We are outside a lot, so I want something I can take to the beach and not end up covered in sand. I can set this down on a hayride or corn maze without being completely covered in little bits of straw. It wipes clean and is washable, which has always been a huge struggle for me considering how active we are.
Another great feature is that the bag has shoulder straps as well as a strap to allow you to carry this as a messenger bag. And there are backpack straps in there as well – so no matter what the situation, you are covered, and you can find a way to comfortably carry this bag.
Overall, I love my Boken Bag! It has been versatile and makes my life a lot easier. Plus it comes in a variety of awesome colors!
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This product was provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
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I need one of these for my travels. I love all the pockets and that it is water proof. Looks like a great design.