This is a fun craft to do a painting project by upcycling different materials.  You can do this around Earth Day to promote learning about sustainability, or any time.

Painting with Recycled Materials

The prep time for this project is easy, and does not require a lot of time.

Start by gathering up any materials that you can use for painting.  This could be just about anything: toilet paper tubes, bubble wrap, marker caps, old yogurt cups, lids, empty water bottles, straws, corrugated cardboard, and so on. 

Look for different shapes and textures.

You can have your children help to gather recycled materials for this craft project.

Discuss the concepts behind recycling and reusing, upcycling, and more.

Painting with Recycled Materials

Next, choose some paints.  You may want to limit how many colors you use per project, as they will likely get mixed together to some extent.  For this kind of painting project, it can be useful to spread some paint on a plate or other flat surface, so that you can coat larger items like pieces of bubble wrap.

Painting with Recycled Materials

We cut the ends of toilet paper rolls to make “flowers”.  Be creative – you can alter things in different ways to get a variety of textures and shapes.  Another idea is to pull apart corrugated cardboard to expose the ridges, or use the edge of a thick piece of corrugated cardboard.  Try rolling a water bottle on its side in the paint, or you can dip the bottom in and use it like a stamp.

Painting with Recycled Materials

There are many ways to make this a versatile project, as far as being creative, and tailoring it to different age children and making it an educational experience too.

Some teaching concepts you can incorporate into this fun painting project include:

~ recycling, reuse, and upcycling
~ mixing paint colors to create new colors
~ use only primary colors, or pastels, or neons, etc.
~ making patterns
~ explore a variety of textures, including those beyond recycled materials (sponges, sandpaper, and so on)

Also check out this project – painting with natural materials!


About the Author: Marysa

Busy blogger and mom of two. We love traveling and the great outdoors, and are always looking for our next adventure! If you have any travel questions, contact me!