Beauty is not only skin deep; it’s a signature to who you are. What you put inside your body also reflects on the condition of your skin on the outside.

Think of your skin, like the petals of a delicate flower. Your skin needs love, sunlight, and care to be a radiant canvas of your natural beauty.


But what if your skin is prone to be dry and cracking? Where do you begin to find a way forward and restore the protection of your skin?

Sometimes having dry skin can be a warning signal of something much deeper occurring in your body. It can also be an indicator of the impact your environment is having on you too.

So, never ignore your skin or its condition. It may be trying to tell you something is not quite right. Other external factors may range from hot showers, heat, harsh arid climates, abrasive soaps, and just plain poor skin hygiene can all have a massive impact on every aspect of who you are starting at your skin.

Medical Ailments that Cause Dry Skin

Dry skin can also be caused by medical conditions, such as Eczema, Dermatitis, and Psoriasis. Each comes with a list of damaging effects to your skin. Be mindful and always consult your doctor or a medical practitioner if you are suffering from any of these conditions.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis usually develops after coming in contact with something you are allergic to, for example, household cleaning products.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis usually occurs when the skin produces too much oil, which results in a scaly red rash, predominantly on your scalp area. 

Atrophic Dermatitis

Atrophic dermatitis is also known as eczema. It is a condition that causes dry, scaly skin patches. The condition is mainly more prevalent in children. Other conditions within this family are psoriasis and type 2 diabetes. Both diseases cause the skin to dry out.

Who Is More At Risk From Dry Skin?

Unfortunately, dry skin can affect anyone, young or old – you could say it’s ageless.

However, some factors may predispose you to develop dry skin, so prevention is better than cure. Here are just a few tips to help you on your way:

  • Ageing: The elderly and those growing older are most prone to dry skin. As you age, your skin pores start to produce less natural skin oils causing your skin to dry out quickly.
  • Health: It may be a good idea to check on family members and look out for skin conditions as there may be a genetic link in your family.
  • Seasonal Changes: It’s common for dry skin issues to raise their heads when humidity levels drop, and the heating in your home gets turned up to counter the cold weather.
  • Showers and Hot Baths: Frequent hot showers and baths, alongside highly fragranced products, can all add to the spiral of dry skin. Keep temperatures to lukewarm this allows the skin not to dry out, locks in moisture, and gives you natural immunity a boost. Pat your skin dry after a bath or a shower, as rubbing removes the skin’s natural moisture levels.

Keeping Your Skin Healthy In Winter

To keep your skin healthy and glowing this winter, you may want to invest in a little dose of these top dry skin remedies. They’ll make you feel warm inside and out and help you keep any signs of dry skin at bay.

  • Moisturise Day and Night

Once you’ve had your shower or bath, make sure you top up your moisture levels by pampering yourself with some all over body moisturising lotion. You should do this immediately after your bath ot shower to maximise the effects of deeply moisturising your skin.

Add a little moisturising routine to your perfect Dreamtime. Your skin will appreciate it. Remember to keep your lips moisturised with a chapstick or lip balm.

  • Keep Hydrated

Drink plenty of water in the summer months and equally in the winter months. You need to drink more water in the winter to keep your body flushed and free of germs and bugs that may be lurking. Drinking at least eight glasses of water will help to keep you healthy and your skin youthful and dewy fresh.

  • Eat Fruit

Fruit is good for your skin whatever the season and strengthens your immunity too. Eating apples, watermelon, and cucumbers during the winter months can help keep you and your skin looking beautiful and hydrated. Keep the right balance of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet can also give your body a boost and prevent winter sniffles.

  • Unclog Those Pores

To add a little sparkle to your skin, factor in a little exfoliation session to your beauty routine at least once a week. You can remove all the traces of tired dead skin, by allowing your moisturising routine the opportunity to work wonders with your skin. You can also eliminate the risks of those pesky blackheads during the jumper season.

  • Head, Hands, Face

During the winter months, when your body is more open to the elements, you need to keep your skin at a comfortable temperature, free from dampness and all the winter extremes.

Come rain or shine, it’s always a good idea to wear a hat to protect your head from harmful sun rays, and even though it may not be glorious sunshine in the middle of winter, those sunray’s still sneak through to do their damage to unprotected skin. 

Cover your face with a scarf or protective covering. It will keep out winter ailments and protect your skin from wind damage. You should also invest in a good pair of gloves, not only to keep your hands warm and toasty but to keep out the damp crisp air that can cause your skin to become chapped and sore.

Home Remedies

You can take control and banish your dry skin by adopting a few home remedies that will immediately save you money and help you start a healthy skin routine that protects your fragile skin.

Here just a few:

  • Coconut Oil

Emollients create a smooth surface by filling in all of the spaces on the surface of the skin. The saturated fats in coconut oil do this naturally by hydrating the skin. Coconut oil can also be used daily to add depleted moisture back into your skin quickly and effectively.

  • Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly heals the skin effectively, in older adults by forming a layer to trap in moisture. This acts as a barrier and allows the skin to dry naturally without drying or losing the skins natural moisture.

  • Oatmeal Baths

Taking oatmeal baths to soothe skin conditions is an age-old natural remedy, from days gone by. It works as well today as it did centuries ago when this type of treatment was all they had available.  

However, to get the best results, you will need to use Colloidal Oatmeal, which is filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, to chase away and heal any skin irritations quickly.

The remedy is particularly useful for itchy, dry skin. To start the process, add fine oatmeal to warm water and immerse yourself in this for a short period. Pat yourself dry, and make sure to moisturise your skin, this allows any moisture to be locked in, creating a barrier enabling your skin to repair naturally and restoring your skin’s elasticity and thickness.

When you expose dry skin to the elements, your skin cells cannot catch up to repair them fast enough. The following foods may be able to help with this, but this list is only a fraction of what you should incorporate into your diet to help you keep your skin and body cells in a tip, top condition: 

  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Salmon

Always eat a nutritionally well-balanced diet, limit salt, sugar and excessive fats – eat healthily!

During the day, you may also encounter various allergens and irritants, either from clothes or external sources. Be observant, notice how your skin feels both inside and outdoors, get to know what triggers affect your skin, and act swiftly to avoid any damage to the dermis of your skin. 

Get to know your body and how it functions so that you can stay ag=head and act to avoid any long term damaging effects on your skin.

It is crucial to monitor your skin changes as it is the first defence against bacteria, viruses, and diseases. Keep a watchful eye on skin ailments, and visit your doctor to prevent any infections or ongoing skin issues. 

You may also wish to consider wearing loose-fitting clothing that can draw sweat away from your skin when exposed to fluctuations in temperature, especially in the winter months. 

Being aware is half of the battle when making your skin a cherished best friend. So, remember to stay hydrated, moisturise your skin well, eat healthily, keep your both active and blood flow going. Most importantly, love your skin and let your natural glow shine from the inside and out.