We all need to get a high quality of sleep, whether we need 6 hours or 9 hours to function optimally. Everybody will need a different amount of sleep. This can depend on how active you are during the day, your age, and other factors. If you don’t get enough you will struggle, but even if you get the ‘perfect’ amount of sleep for you, you’ll struggle if it isn’t high quality. High quality sleep is so important! 

If you know you need to sleep better, it could be time to take a look at the sleep mistakes you could be making. Read on and you’ll get an idea of the mistakes that could be ruining your sleep: 

1. Not Having A Wind Down Routine

If you hop straight into bed after a busy day, then you’re probably going to struggle to drift off. Having a wind down routine and ensuring it’s long enough can make a big difference to how easily you drift off. You should have at least an hour wind down time before bed so that you can get into the right frame of mind. Dim the lights, have a relaxing, caffeine free hot drink, and read or take a bath. 

2. Going To Bed At Different Times Each Night

If you go to bed at different times every night, then you’ll probably struggle to get up in the morning. Being woken up by an alarm when you haven’t had enough sleep feels awful, and you’ll never get over it if you don’t work on your sleep hygiene. If you go to bed at the same time each night you should quickly realize how much sleep you need to feel good the next day and even wake up before your alarm feeling refreshed. If you don’t wake up feeling refreshed currently, this could be the reason why. 

3. Consuming Too Much Caffeine Throughout the Day

Having some caffeine in the morning and early afternoon is fine, but too much caffeine, especially later on in the afternoon, can be a nightmare for your quality of sleep. It may take you longer to fall asleep, and even then you might wake up frequently. Try to stick to caffeine free drinks and just drink plenty of water to ensure you’re not sluggish because of dehydration. If you have to rely on caffeine too much, it’s likely you really need to be getting more sleep. 

4. Not Creating a Suitable Sleep Environment 

Having the right environment to sleep in makes a big difference to sleep quality. You should focus on the following things:

  • Your bed – is your mattress the right type for you?
  • Your pillows – do your pillows support you and suit your sleep position? 
  • Your duvet – is your duvet warm enough, or too warm? Many people like to have a light one for summer and a heavier one for winter, and if it gets really cold then you can put the two together. 
  • Light – if you have electricals in the bedroom, they can disrupt your sleep. Even a very small amount of light can be a problem. You should also invest in curtains that block out the light. 
  • Air – it’s not nice to sleep in a dry, stuffy room. Plants like snake plants are perfect for the bedroom as they purify the air and look great. You can also look into getting a humidifier if you need more moisture in the air. 

On top of the things listed above, you can do other things to make sure you’re getting a great quality sleep. A nice pillow spray could help, as well as aromatherapy essential oils like lavender. Some people can’t sleep in total silence. If this is your problem, then try listening to something like the ‘Sleep With Me’ podcast. The nonsensical, dulcet tones of Scooter will help you to drift off in no time. 

5. Eating The Wrong Things 

You shouldn’t necessarily go to bed hungry, but going to bed really full can be a problem, too. Not only that, eating sugary foods before bed can be a problem too. Instead, you might want to try something like cbd gummies for sleep. There are a few possible sleep supplements you can try, so do lots of research beforehand and check with your doctor if you’re unsure. You don’t want to waste money on something that won’t work – and you definitely don’t want to waste money on something that could be dangerous for you. 

6. Watching TV in Bed

Having a TV in your room is not advisable, let alone watching TV in bed. Watching TV in bed is too stimulating and will disrupt your sleep. 

7. Doing Stimulating Things In The Bedroom

If you work in the bedroom, study, or do anything other than sleep, you could be associating your room with a place you need to be alert – even if only subconsciously. Try to keep the bedroom for sleep only. 

8. Pressing The Snooze Button

Realistically, an extra 5 or so minutes provided by the snooze alarm is not going to help you. You’ll feel worse if you do fall asleep again, as interrupted sleep will leave you feeling groggy. Try to get up as soon as your alarm goes off – so set it for when you actually want to get out of bed. Don’t leave yourself room to snooze. 

9. Napping For Too Long During The Day

Napping is fine, but napping for too long is a bad idea. Try to stick to 20 minutes, and do it early in the afternoon. 

10. Consuming Alcohol Before Bed

Alcohol before bedtime is a sedative, but it can impair your sleep during the second half of the night. Not only will you be hungover in the morning, you will have had interrupted sleep. Don’t be fooled into thinking it’ll help you sleep. 

11. Worrying About Sleep

If you worry about your sleep, you’re going to make things much worse. Try to go with the flow, give yourself the best possible environment, and let go of stress.