If you suffer with snoring or know someone who snores then do not be disappointed because you are not alone. Millions of people around the world suffer from snoring and insomnia which are the most common sleep disorders. Except that snoring, unlike insomnia, does not torment the sufferer but the one sleeping next to them! And it is a fact that this problem does not just concern only men! Women snore occasionally or on a daily basis, with their percentage even increasing when they enter menopause. Snoring and various forms of apnea during sleep can be detected with a special test called “multisomal sleep study test” and done in equipped Sleep Study Centers in certain public and private hospitals. 

What causes snoring? During sleep, air enters from the mouth and / or nose and passes into the lungs. The vibration caused in the back of the neck (grape and palate) creates a characteristic noise.  

However, there are cases where snoring can be a manifestation of a more serious condition, such as sleep apnea syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by noisy snoring, with many frequent sleep interruptions, due to complete obstruction of breathing, which lasts for seconds or even minutes. And of course, this is a situation that creates serious problems and needs special treatment. So if you snore regularly, it is necessary to visit the otolaryngologist who, in case of suspicion of the disease, will help to identify the problem early, thus preventing the occurrence of more serious complications. Here are some quick tips that should assist:

  1. Maintain your weight at normal levels: According to experts, pounds are better allies of snoring and sleep apnea syndrome.
  2. Cut cigarettes and drinks. Alcohol relaxes the muscles so you should avoid it at least 4 hours before going to bed. And as for smoking, cutting it down reduces the chances of inflammation in the airways.
  3. Do not eat late at night. Food causes the secretion of saliva which can affect breathing during sleep and cause snoring.
  4. Try to sleep on your side. When you sleep on your back you are more likely to snore
  5. Raise the top of the bed by 12 cm. This facilitates the flow of air into the airways of the nose and larynx.
  6. Use a humidifier in the room or make sure there is sufficient humidity in the atmosphere. Dry air causes more contractions of the larynx and therefore noisy snoring.
  7. See an Ear Nose & Throat Doctor who can assist with certain ways to stop snoring. 
  8. Change pillows: Allergens that accumulate in the bedroom and on the pillows can contribute to the occurrence of snoring. So do you need to change pillows? Dust mites accumulate on the pillows and cause allergic reactions that can eventually contribute to the manifestation of snoring. Another common irritant to the respiratory system is animal hair. So it is wise to keep your pet out of the bedroom. In any case, you should take care to replace your pillows every six months and of course ventilate them well on a weekly basis.