When your son or daughter has had a cold for too long and the list of symptoms are getting all too familiar, it dawns on you that what they really have is the flu.

child sleeping sick

Flu symptoms such as the early onset of a cold and a sore throat are usually the first clues. It’s especially worrying in children because even the flu can be misdiagnosed by the most well-meaning of moms because, like most parents, they don’t have medical training.

Here’s what to do if you think your child might have the flu.

What Are Their Symptoms of the Flu?

We’re all familiar with the cycle that the flu usually runs through. It begins mostly like a cold but lasts longer. They often present with a runny nose or stuffiness which often alternates as the ears, nose and throat get a workout.

The symptoms become more serious when a headache starts to occur, or with the onset of a fever. The temperature will rise a degree or two which makes it necessary to monitor your child more closely and use a cold flannel to cool their forehead. Keeping them back from school and resting in bed is sensible to reduce their activity levels and isolate them from other potential germs.

A cough is usually the last of the symptoms which hopefully is an indication that the flu is about two-thirds of the way through its cycle. A greater concern happens when the cough and flu linger – or worsens – at which point seeking medical attention is a good idea.

Is Over-the-Counter Medication Useful?

With the flu, there are medicines for flu that help kids get over it and manage the symptoms better. Tylenol and Ibuprofen (sold as Motrin or Advil) are easily accessible, you can check over at Family OTC. They help with breathing difficulties, headaches, feverish symptoms and a sore throat.

It should be noted that Aspirin is ill-advised because it creates a risk of Reye’s syndrome. For babies six months or younger, don’t provide any medication without seeking medical advice. For kids under six, using a cough medicine should be avoided too.

If you’re unsure what to do, or the symptoms are worsening, then it’s advisable to seek medical attention for your child.

Should You Seek Medical Assistance?

While managing the flu is a familiar thing for adults, for children it can be more dangerous because their immune system is not as developed. Many mothers understandably become very concerned when their child is sick, especially if it’s more prolonged than is typical when catching a flu virus.

Knowing what’s best when treating the flu is confusing. Firstly, it difficult to be certain that’s what your child has. Secondly, judging the severity is tricky as well.

Worried mothers can visit the emergency ward of their local hospital, but they will likely have a long waiting list. To avoid the wait and see a board-certified physician more quickly, then The Urgency Room is set up to provide diagnosis and care for non-emergency medical cases.

Being able to get seen and have medical tests performed when your child is sick is a weight off your mind. By acting quickly, the most suitable medication can be prescribed which should lead to a speedier recovery. For busy moms, this allows them to best take care of their child while not missing a step.