Drain Pipe Plumbing

Most people would probably admit that they don’t really know how their drainage systems works. They do, however, understand the trouble a blocked or damaged system can cause. Drainage systems aren’t overly complicated, but do require some time and effort to understand. Whether you are looking to simply broaden your knowledge or looking to solve a specific problem, understanding your drainage system is a great thing to learn. Given the myriad of options out there to learn this information, this guide summarises the key pieces you should know when it comes to understanding your drainage system.


A drainage system, unlike other water systems in your home, works with the assistance of gravity. Drainage pipes are always installed on angles or facing downwards to allow the flow of water out of your home. This piece of information is particularly important if you are installing new pipes. Making sure they are on an angle is crucial, so if you aren’t sure, then consider using a plumber in Melbourne to complete the work. Once the water enters the pipe, gravity along with a series of vents and traps help usher the water out of your home.


If you have ever wondered what the drain vents on your roof do, then chances are they are quietly doing what they are supposed to. Aside from generally just letting air in, they specifically allow trapped air into your plumbing. This trapped air is crucial for your drainage system. By taking air in via the vent and into the pipes, the water is able to flow freely out of your home and into the drainage system of your city. Without that air, the water would not flow properly, leaving waste and water in the system. If that occurred, then you would then need to syphon the water and waste out manually.


Traps are something we are all familiar with, perhaps not by name, but certainly by appearance. If you have ever opened the cupboard under a sink, then you have seen a plumbing trap. A trap in your drainage system is the S shaped pipe under the sink. Most drainage systems have a trap which is crucial to how your system works. Water pressure from your tap helps push waste and other things through the S curve, however the S curve also allows some water to remain. This water is important because it stops gas from the sewer system from seeping up.

Without this trap, the gas would be able to escape and cause serious problems for your household. Nearly all fixtures in your home require a trap, except the toilet which is self-trapped. A trap is also a handy tool for dealing with the other things which end up in your system, like hair and dirt. The trap helps to stop these items from causing blockages.

Take a look

Understand your own system is about inspection. Find out where you system begins and use the above to inspect the different parts of your drainage system. Look for the inflows and outflows, the traps and then the vents on your roof. If you ever suspect there may be an issue with your system, this understanding and knowledge of your system and where it is, will be a huge help.


A drainage system can seem like a very complex plumbing system, which it is, in some ways. But that complexity doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to learn how it works. With an understanding of the what and how of your system, if there were any issues, then communicating with a professional for repairs is much easier. To learn more about your drainage system, consider the above guide and get a little closer to your own system at home.